Image hosted by Ahlan Wasahlan wa marhaban bikum.. Semoga kita digolongkan di dalam golongan yang berusaha ke arah quran sunnah.. "Kelak di hari kiamat akan dihadapkan al Quran dan ahlinya yaitu orang-orang yang mengamalkannya dipimpin oleh surah alBaqarah dan Al Imran(Riwayat Ahmad, Muslim)."Wasalam"

Monday, July 25, 2005

Final Destination


Nobody wanna sacrifice his or her wealthy for others except those who believe with Da promise from God... when we got sumtin i.e money, surely we will use that for wutever we would luv to.. but, do we realise those are from our Almighty,,, Everything we HAVE, GET, EAT, DRINK, PLAY.... are all biiznillah,,, but how do we thank Him,,

Let us think, where is our "FINAL DESTINATION"? The world's activities will get over one day,,, the wealthy, successful that we aim for,,, sumtimes makes us neglect our tasks in this illusion world.... If we do think that our final destination is akhirat, for sure we are not here jus for getting wealthy, success and good looking....but doin everything is for the sake of Allah... Along the way we r studying or working, dun we think better for us to follow the rules from Allah such the way we interact between guys and girls...halal and haram things...This will surely show a big distinction between those who are clever or not in dealing in today's world... Do we jus wanna have a big success in dis dunia,,, or both,,, which one is better? .. Think of this as we might get along in a ship towards the eternal life(akhirat)

Is it so hard to follow the rules from God after He had given us everything.... jus ponder ;)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Berlari dalam melakukan amal

Allah Ta'ala berfirman:

"Maka berlumba-lumbalah kamu semua untuk mengerjakan pelbagai kebaikan." (al-Baqarah: 148)

Allah Ta'ala berfirman pula:

"Dan bersegeralah kamu semua menuju pada pengampunan dari Tuhanmu dan juga memasuki syurga yang luasnya adalah seperti langit dan bumi, disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa." (ali-lmran: 133)

Dari Abu Sirwa'a, iaitu 'Uqbah bin al-Harits r.a., katanya: "Saya bersolat di belakang Nabi s.a.w. di Madinah yakni solat asar. Kemudian setelah bersalam lalu berdiri dengan tergesa-gesa, terus melangkah leher orang-orang ramai untuk menuju ke salah satu bilik isterinya. Orang-orang banyak yang takut kerena melihat tergesa-gesa beliau itu. Selanjutnya Nabi s.a.w. keluar lagi menemui sahabat-sahabatnya itu lalu mengetahui bahawa mereka itu benar-benar hairan kerena tergesa-gesa tadi. Beliau s.a.w. lalu bersabda:

"Saya ingat pada sepotong emas yang berada di tempatku, maka saya tidak senang kalau benda itu mengganggu fikiranku - untuk menghadap Allah Ta'ala. Oleh sebab itu saya menyuruh supaya benda tadi dibahagikan." (Riwayat Bukhari)

Dan disebutkan dalam riwayat Imam Bukhari yang lain demikian: "Saya meninggalkan di rumah sepotong emas dari hasil sedekah, maka saya tidak senang kalau sampai menyimpannya."
Petikan dari Riyadus Salihin...

Even, Rasulullah pesuruh Allah yg dah dijamin syurga... still bersegera dlm melakukan amalan baik,,, apatah lg kite yg tak ade sebarang jaminan lg utk syurga,,, Hopefully we can make an effort to follow islam., bukannye Islam will be forced to follow us...


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Gelak-gelak yg Beringat


hope that we can take sumtin fr this..... luvin our God as an everlasting one.. more than others,,, tho they r our loves one (family members, computer,
interests etc.etc).

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sickness vs Ummah


Our bro'S n Sis'S r SICK.......

I m currently thinking how hepi da people were at dis time who r now having healthy body, minds... Smiles at their faces,,, but wen any part of our bodies r sick, then whole part ll feel it.... That wut was we feel... But I do realise WE=Insan= Forget.... Wen we r being healthy, we sumtimes(or many times) forget dat was fr our Almighty.... But more importantly, da sickness of part of our bodies SHOULD b related to our ummah... They r crawling in darkness n unpromising fate... but we feel nothing. At dis time i kinda stand up and shout make an effort for our ummah tho jus a bit....

Many people read da news bout da ummah w/o puttin in da feelings towards them... R they human or animal ?? I m not so sure.... They can answer themselves.,,,.. They+Us = Muslims
Remember dat wen we reveal dat there is no other Gods except Allah,,, we r responsible towards them,,, We ll b asked one day in front our God, whether we ve completed our tasks 'here' or not... Think of dis if, we r sick, we ll find better cure( panadol) ,,,, But for our ummah is walking towards ISLAM... Is it enough for us jus sitting w/o doin anything.... REmEmBEr, ISLAM WILL B ON TOP OnE daY,, IT IS DA MAttEr We r wIf THeM or JUS HAvinG cOnveNieNt wiF OUr siTuatIon noW.....Thanx God for giving me to write sumtin during my sickness... As muslims know da best thing to work on , is jus tell da people anything bout da truth of ISlam...

Alislamu yu'la wala Yu'la 'Alaih,
Innadina 'inda Allahil Islam


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bilikku yg Terbakar


This entry is about my unique experience

Bilik yang terbakar....

I think dis is my first experience dealing wif da room which was caught on fire.... It was bout 3 a.m n thank God i jus got minor injury ... my feeling at dat time?... i dunno how to express in words ... Imagine dat when u woke up by the fire... Then surely 'mamai' conditions ... but i did think at dat time was,,, God still loves me tho sumtimes i m X doing His way..."amal ma'ruf nahi munkar".... REmeMbering wut my frens said about our ummat are now caught on fire... Surely, the fire is very dangerous,, if we let it continously lit up then, we ll b burnt out as well... seriously, it is very difficult to put it off...lotsa determination i think... Let say if i did not wake up to do wat i supposed to do, surely myself as well will.... Thank God for billions times.. so, now wat are we goin to do after knowing dat things.. We should wake up our bro's in Islam in progressing towards iman.... Hope today is better den yesterday.... days to comes surely will give us more things to be emulated to put in His way.. ameen

Monday, July 11, 2005

Lawak Jenake yg Bermakne

Harap kiter sumer bole amik msg yg nak disampaikan daripada kartun nie.... =)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Iman semut vs iman manusia

Assalamualaikum... This article is as well very very interesting to read.. but more important it is meaningful n related to our life as time goes on.. This is actually from komuniti shukur. But i do feel it might be useful to grasp for people who reveal that they are muslims... Hope we are not in the group which are 'so-called' muslims. Enjoy ur reading..

Di zaman Nabi Allah Sulaiman berlaku satu peristiwa, apabila Nabi Allah
Sulaiman nampak seekor semut melata di atas batu; lantas Nabi Allah Sulaiman
merasa hairan bagaimana semut ini hendak hidup di atas batu yang kering di
tengah-tengah padang pasir yang tandus. Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun bertanya
kepada semut: " Wahai semut apakah engkau yakin ada makanan cukup untuk
Semut pun menjawab: "Rezeki di tangan ALLAH, aku percaya rezeki di tangan
ALLAH, aku yakin di atas batu kering di padang pasir yang tandus
ini ada rezeki untuk ku".

Lantas Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun bertanya: " Wahai semut, berapa banyakkah
engkau makan? Apakah yang engkau gemar makan? Dan banyak mana engkau makan
dalam sebulan?

Jawab semut: "Aku makan hanya sekadar sebiji gandum sebulan".

Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun mencadangkan: "Kalau kamu makan hanya sebiji gandum
sebulan tak payah kamu melata di atas batu, ku boleh tolong".

Nabi Allah Sulaiman pun mengambil satu bekas, dia angkat semut itu dan
dimasukkan ke dalam bekas; kemudian Nabi ambil gandum sebiji, dibubuh dalam
bekas dan tutup bekas itu. Kemudian Nabi tinggal semut di dalam bekas dengan
sebiji gandum selama satu bulan.

Bila cukup satu bulan Nabi Allah Sulaiman lihat gandum sebiji tadi
Hanya dimakan setengah sahaja oleh semut, lantas Nabi Allah Sulaiman
menemplak semut: "Kamu rupanya berbohong pada aku!. Bulan lalu kamu kata
kamu makan sebiji gandum sebulan, ini sudah sebulan tapi kamu
makan setengah".

Jawab semut: "Aku tidak berbohong, aku tidak berbohong, kalau aku ada di
atas batu aku pasti makan apapun sehingga banyaknya sama seperti sebiji
gandum sebulan, kerana makanan itu aku cari sendiri dan rezeki itu datangnya
daripada Allah dan Allah tidak pernah lupa padaku. Tetapi bila kamu
masukkan aku dalam bekas yang tertutup, rezeki aku bergantung
pada kamu dan aku tak percaya kepada kamu, sebab itulah aku makan setengah
sahaja supaya tahan dua bulan. Aku takut kamu lupa".

Itulah Iman Semut!!


Di zaman Imam Suffian, ada seorang hamba Allah yang kerjanya mengorek kubur
orang mati. Kerja korek kubur orang mati bukan kerja orang ganjil. Bila ada
orang mati, mayat terpaksa ditanam, oleh itu kubur perlu digali dulu.
Tetapi yang ganjil mengenai hamba Allah ini ialah dia tidak gali kubur
untuk tanam mayat.

Sebaliknya apabila orang mati sudah ditanam, waris sudah lama balik ke rumah
dan Munkar Nakir sudah menyoal, barulah penggali ini datang ke kubur untuk
korek balik.

Dia nak tengok macam mana rupa mayat setelah di INTERVIEW oleh Munkar Nakir.
Dia korek 1 kubur, 2 kubur, 3 kubur, 10 kubur, 50 kubur sampai 100 kubur.
Lepas itu, penggali pergi kepada Imam Suffian dan bertanya kepadanya: "Ya
Imam, kenapakah daripada 100 kubur orang Islam yang aku gali, dua sahaja
yang mana mayat di dalamnya masih berhadap kiblat. Yang 98 lagi sudah
beralih ke belakang?".

Jawab Imam Suffian:" Di akhir zaman hanya 2 dari 100 umat Islam yang percaya
Itu di tangan Allah. 98 orang lagi tidak percaya bahawa rezeki di tangan
Tuhan". Itulah sebabnya apabila umat Islam tertekan dengan SOGOKAN duit yang
banyak, biasanya,
iman dia akan beralih. Nyatalah iman semut lebih kuat dari iman manusia.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Are we going to be silent??

Adekah kite selesa??

Being killed, raped , shot??? Dont we feel anything.... Are we heartless towards our brother and sisters of Islam... We never think of our brothers in Palestine Iraq Afghan.... They are famine, sick... but we are having fun in our position. They are starving for help from muslims all over the world but we do nothing for them. They and us are from the same root and have one aqidah... We should start thinking of muslims all over the world that are being depressed by Israel and allies....

We should do 'something' for them 3X ... jazakallah

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Alam yg terbentang luas di depan manusia bukanlah sekadar hiasan semata.... Tak sesiapa pon boleh menandingi ciptaan Allah yang amat hebat ini... Kita kekadang tidak menyedari betape maha hebatnye ciptaanNya... Bukankah bumi Allah itu luas, cantik.... tetapi masih ramai di antara kita yang tidak bersyukur ke hadratNYe...Adekah kite merasekan diri ini sudah cukup hebat?? atau mungkin sudah cukup pandai???

Allah telah berfirman dengan maksudnya:

Berlakunya kerosakan di muka bumi ini adalah disebabkan oleh tangan2 manusia.

Ayat di atas jelas menyatakan kepada kita ttg peristiwa semasa.... maksiat yang dilakukan ...yang mane boleh merosakkan alam yang amat cantik ini... Siapakah yang lebih baik di kalangan kita?? mestilah orang yang menghalang daripada perkare tersebut daripada terus berleluase ... Tiade ape untung pon bagi orang yang melakukan ape yang dialarang oleh Allah swt,, tak kasik effect apepon kepada Nya... so, ini adalah berkaitan hubungan kita dengan Allah ... sanggupkah kite menggunakan anggota badan kita ini yang dikurniakanNya untuk merosakkan ciptaanNya.. Kita harus membuka mate kite untuk melihat kebenaran..

Ciptaan alam yang amat indah juga melambangkan kebesaran Allah... Allah yang maha hebat.. tak de yang cacat cela pon... Allah sendiri adalah maha lengkap... menjadikan langit tak bertiang... siapalah sangat kita ini kalo nak tunjuk hebat pon... Tiada ape yang mustahil kepada Allah.. lihatlah peristiwa nabi2 terdahulu ... betapa hebatanya menukarkan batang tongkat kepada ular... so, masih kah kita tak memikirkan.... buat diri manusia yang lemah kite harus bermujahadah dengan ape yang masih lagi tidak mampu buat untuk membenarkan kegemilangan islam.. wakhirul kalam wasalam...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hidayah from Allah

This is taken from for those who never found this articles.... I find this as a very interesting article. we should thank our God(Allah) to put us in His way... many people around us still keep waiting to be introduced towards Islam as the way of life...

My name is William, and I live in a large Midwestern city in the United States. I am a typical American in many ways that are reflected in both my professional and personal lives. Professionally, I am a supervisor with a major police department, and I have been in the military, both active duty and in the reserves for the majority of my adult life. Personally, I live in the suburbs with my wife and child, drive a pickup truck and occasionally wear cowboy boots. I pay my bills, treat my neighbors well, and prior to my reversion/conversion to Islam, I followed my religion in the manner in which I had been instructed.

As I said, my life was that of a typical American, with my main concerns being the little details of everyday life that everyone worries about. Little did I know that my religious beliefs would take me out of the �typical� life that I lead, and that they would instead become a major factor in my life, providing me with a sense of peace and completion that only a short time before I would not have thought possible.

My journey to Islam began with my association, and later friendship, with a man named Nasir. I met Nasir through work in the late 1980�s, and was impressed with his manners and the way that he treated me.

I had met very few Muslims, and I was always a little uneasy around them as I was not sure how they would accept me. Besides having the appearance of a pickup-driving-shotgun-toting-redneck, I was also a Jew, and the combination often seemed to unsettle people. Nasir, however, took everything in stride, and as a result a friendship slowly bloomed. Through Nasir, I really formed my first impressions of Islam and its adherents.

Over the years I watched how Nasir dealt with different situations, and was constantly impressed with the wisdom and patience that he displayed when he was dealing with difficult people or situations. He always took the high road, even at times when I, if I had been in the same situation, would have been tempted to treat the persons differently.

If I asked him why he did certain things, he would tell me a bit of wisdom which guided his actions. Most of these, (I realized later), were direct or indirect quotes from the Qur�an, which he told me not in a proselytizing way, but in a gentle manner as if he were teaching a child the proper way to conduct itself in the world. In fact, prior to reading the Qur�an, I often marveled at how one person could be so wise and knowledgeable! Little did I know that those guiding principles were written down where I or anyone else could read them. I realize now how blessed I am that I was exposed to Islam and Muslims in such a positive way.

Around the winter of 2000, I began to have a serious interest in Islam. I read the Qur�an, but could not seem to fully understand it. Despite this difficulty, I continued to have a nagging feeling that I should continue, and so I studied other books about Islam. I learned a great deal, but in an academic and not in a spiritual way. Again I attempted to read and understand the Qur�an, and again I had difficulties.

I finally resolved to ask Nasir for help, and then the 9-11 incident happened. Suddenly I had a host of new worries, and I put my questions on hold. During this time period, I had a great deal of exposure to Islam, however very little of it was put to me in a positive manner. As a police supervisor, I was constantly receiving warnings about perceived Islamic threats, and as an officer in the reserves I was around people who perceived Islam as a direct threat and Muslims as possible enemies. So, to my shame, I continued to wait and kept my studies on the Islamic world to those areas that directly influenced my professional life.

Then, in the late summer of 2004, that nagging feeling that had persisted suddenly intensified, and I finally asked Nasir for guidance. He told me about the tenets of his faith, and about the nature of the Qur�an. More importantly, he told me how crucial Islam was to his life, and how strongly he believed in it, not only as the word of God, but as the way in which man was meant to live.

He and his brother Riyadh then provided me with booklets about Islam that had answers to many of the questions that I had. With this knowledge in hand, I again approached the Qur�an, and suddenly found that it was not only readable, but that it made sense! I can only think that either I was not mentally �ready� before, or that I simply needed the extra input in order to properly understand and process the information. Either way, I read and re-read everything that I had been provided, and then double checked the facts that had been presented to me. The more I read, the more amazed I was.

I found that the information that was in the Qur�an would have been impossible for Mohammed (PBUH) to have known had he not been a prophet. Not only would it have been impossible for a man of his background and geographic location to have known many of these things, it would have been impossible for anyone of his time-period to have known them. I double checked the dates of many of the modern �discoveries� that had been addressed in the Qur�an, and was astounded at what I found. Not only did the Qur�an contain information that was centuries ahead of its time, but it did so with details, many of which could not have been known until this century.

I became convinced that Mohammed (PBUH) was indeed a prophet that had been inspired by Allah through his angel. Despite this, I still faced a dilemma. Although I now believed that Mohammed (PBUH) was a prophet, I still was confused about what to do. Everything that I had ever believed was suddenly turned upside down, and I was at a loss for an explanation.

That night I prayed for guidance and understanding. I only believed in one god, but I wanted to know the manner in which I should hold that belief. The prayer was simple, but heartfelt, and I went to sleep full of hope that I would receive an understanding of the situation. When I awoke, I did so with the feeling that I had experienced an epiphany. Everything was suddenly clear, and I understood how all the things that I had practiced before were simply observances that had been contrived by man in an attempt to follow religious principles that had changed over the millennia. I did not receive any new information or beliefs, but was instead capable of understanding that which I had already learned. I felt exhilarated, happy and at peace, and that morning I said the shahada.

I told Nasir, and he took me to a nearby mosque for the Friday prayers. At the mosque I was lead to the front by Nasir, and I told the assembled congregation about why I had come there. Then Nasir and the Iman helped me repeat the profession of faith in Arabic. Although I was a little nervous, the joy I felt upon doing this far outweighed any other feelings that I had. Afterwards, I was welcomed by the majority of the members in a manner that was so welcoming that I can hardly describe it. Most of the congregation shook my hand and welcomed me to Islam, and many of them offered to help me or to answer any questions that I might have. It was a wonderful experience which I will never forget.

In closing, let me say that the feeling of peace that came over me is still with me, and although I am still very early in the learning stages, I am happy and confident that I made the right decision. I am still a redneck-looking, pickup truck-driving, typical American. Only now I am a Muslim American, and
with the continued guidance and assistance of people like Nasir and Riyadh, I hope to one day set as good an example for others and they have been for me.

-By William-

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