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Saturday, June 25, 2005

sedarlah cintakan bunga, ia akan layu

Ape yang ade di dunia ini adalah pinjaman semate... kekayaan, segala kemewahan yang diimpikan perlulah berkadar dengan hidup yang tidak kekal ini... janganlah kite tergolong dikalangan org yang berjaye ditipu oleh pujuk rayu syaiton... kenapa payah sgt manusia nak bersyukur pada nikmatNye? kenapa payah sgt kite nak buat pae yang Allah suruh dan tinggalkan laranganNya....?? tak cukup kah dengan nikmat anggota badan yang Allah beri nie...mungkin kite dah rase biase sangat dah bangun2, semua dalam keadaan normal... cube bayangkan sekejap lagi tangan kite kudung akibat insiden buruk... baru kite nak cakap kat Allah s.w.t kembalikan nikmat tanganku balik supaye aku dapat melakukan ibadat kepadaNye n berbuat baik sesame kite... adakah kite nak tunggu mende mcm tue berlaku... sungguh rugi kalo nak tunggu mende semacam itu berlaku...atau mungkin anggota badan ini difikirkan akan kekal selamanya tanpa sebarang ancaman kepadanya...manusia bila dapat sesuatu contohnya hadiah akan rase sungguh gembira dan sgt berterimakasih kepada sipemberinya.... apabila dah lama si pemberi hadiah itu akan dilupai....

INgatlah nikmat mata, tangan kaki... yang mempunyai pelbagai fungsi. ini sangat unik dikurniakan oleh Allah s.w.t. kite yang tak cacat sedikitpon yang Allah kurniakan ini sepatutnye rase sangat bersyukur dan tanggungjawab kite lagi besar then org yang cacat .... setuju??

aku tetibe terasa betape besarNye nikmat dari tuhan yang memiliki langit, bumi dan seluruh isiNya. siapalah sangat kite ini nak tunjuk megah... terlampau kecik atau hina di deppan Allah kalau kite mengejar mende2 itu... tetapi kalau kite mencari redaNya kite akan disanjung oleh malaikat dan Allah s.w.t Namun still lagi ade orang yang merasakan tak best kalau kite mengikut aturan Allah... mungkin dah berjaya dipujuk rayu oleh syaiton....

Percayalah akan janji Allah dan berpeganglah pada tali Allah s.w.t semoga beroleh kemenangan... di dunia dan akhirat..

Soldiers of Allah

Tajuk: They Can't Stop Islam
Artis: Soldiers of Allah

Every time we turn on the tv, we see the kuffar celebrating,
thinking that they are defeating Islam. They think they can
destroy Islam but they can NEVER DESTROY Islam! They try
to scare us, rape us, kills us, and even drop your nuclear bombs
but no matter they do, they can not stop Islam. Allah, the All
Mighty, has promised that Islam will be victorious and that is
Bismi Allahi Arahman Araheem
The song is for all those who believe in this Deen
InshAllah we have made a song to make you think
So turn up your speakers and put this song on repeat

This song is for all those sisters who wear hijab
Even though people make fun of them
This song is for all those brothers who stand strong
Even if it means that they are left alone

This song is for all those who don’t compromise Islam
Because they know Islam is the truth
No matter what happens, We will never give up
Brothers and sisters the rival of Islam is up to us

If there was a war
which side would you be on?
The army of Allah
or The army of shaiton
they can''t stop Islam
they drop bomb after bomb
watching our people bleed
trying to scare us OUT of this Deen
when the smokes clears
we will still be on the scene
we, Muslims, we''ll never give up
Ameen, Ameen
If you follow Islam
Then they can’t stop it
Victory is promised
They try to break us up
But they can’t break this bond
They try to take us down
But our Deen is too strong
Victory is promised
From Allah
We’ll keep coming back
Singing this song
trying to fool the people
what Islam is really about
leaving their own people
confused & in doubt
Twisting the corrupted media
so they can control the public opinion
While western groups
put their troops
on what was once
the Muslim dominion
on what was once
the Muslim dominion.
They pass laws
To put Muslims behind bars
Without evidence (*without what?*)
Without cause
They stand united
To make sure Muslims are divided
We-are-Muslims (**say very
we won''t hide it or deny it
1. They try to break us __
But they can’t break this bond
They try to take us down
But our Deen is too strong
Victory is promised
From Allah
We’ll keep coming back
Singing this song
when we hear the falsehood
we fight it with the truth
Islam did not spread by democracy
It spread by the youth
those who CAN’T accept the truth
yeah, they hate it
they can’t stop Islam (**why?**)
cuz Islam is contagious (**strong
echo effect**)
Those sisters who are strong
Will NEVER take off their Hijab (**Allahu
cuz they don’t wear it for the people
they wear it for Allah
we won’t die for these kafirs
we won’t fight for their cause
all the freedoms are false
we fight and die ONLY for Allah
They try to break us up
But they can’t break this bond
They try to take us down
But our Deen is too strong
Victory is promised
From Allah
We’ll keep coming back
Singing this song
A billion Muslims
Are a billion weak
When we sell Islam cheap
And carry it incomplete
can’t stand the site
of watching my brothers bleed
this is what happens
when we let the kaffirs lead
the bloodshed of an innocent Muslim
means more to Allah than the Kaba
and InshAllah if we follow the straight path
they can’t stop us
let us rise up
(**light sound of the Athan in background**)
for the rival of Islam
like we rise up
for fajr at dawn
they’re going to keep dropping bombs
they’re going to keep on the attack
until we Muslims unite
and bring Islam back
(**Allahu’ Akbar!! said in the background**)
They try to break us up
But they can’t break this bond
They try to take us down
But our Deen is too strong
Victory is promised
From Allah
We’ll keep coming back
Singing this song
Salahudin sacrificed everything
(drum and base is dropped)
to bring back this Deen
at one time his own sister
was captured by the king
even tough he could have
he didn''t do anything
he could have invaded
but no, he waited (silence for 2 seconds)
with one command
(drum and base are added)
with one order
he could of sent the Muslim army
to cross the border
bring back his sister
to have the king slaughtered
but Salahudin had a plan
and his plan could not be altered
that plan
was to unite the Muslim lands
to put Al Quds
back in Muslim hands
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
They try to break us up
But they can’t break this bond
They try to take us down
But our Deen is too strong
Victory is promised
From Allah
We’ll keep coming back
Singing this song
InshAllah we will rise up
Like Salahudin
Put Islam on the map
Like Khalid ibn Walid
Show the success of Islam
Like Haroon ur Rasheed
And protect our Muslim Deen
Like Sultan Abdul Hamid
Log on and check where all of this is going on
www.muslimstudio ( dot what? ). com
what you are hearing
is just the beginning
do u want to learn about the legends of islam
the intellectual revolution has begun
and this song is done
Ain’t no copyrights in Islam
You better pass this thing on
Sounds needed:
Bomb * got it!
Army charging *got it
Adthan * got it
Sound of prison doors slamming * got it
Air raid * got it
Smoke clearing
Sound of people in pain (battle)
Army charging 2
marching feet (soldiers)
Saying the Jews blew up the towers
Based on Benefit
Without the prerequisite
Of evidence
I’m down for Islam
I’m down for this deen
I’ll like this beat
put it on repeat
When we didn’t listen to the Prophet
in the battle of uhud
close doors
they can’t stop Islam
they drop bomb after bomb
on our Muslim lands
all it does is strengthen our iman
how come everytime they talk about terrorist
all I see is Muslim names on the list
is this a coincidence
look at the Christian coalition
blowing up the abortion clinics
you never hear the about his religion
for some reason
that part is always missing
lets not forget about the facts
like how Christian army of god
bragged about spreading anthrax
invading us under the disguise
of humanitarian reasons
stealing our oil
while they pretend to feed us
They start wars
to break us into pieces
Send us missionaries
to brainwash us about jesus
as long as you are begging these kaffirs
you are begging for disaster
all those before us have failed
all those before us have been replace
how many more songs will it take
for this sleeping Ummah to awake
The kuffar are celebrating thinking that they have destroying
Islam but they are wrong. They can stop Muslims who go away
from Islam but they can’t stop Islam. Allah, the All Mighty, has
promised that Islam will be victorious and that is guaranteed.
You can rape us, kill us, and even drop your nuclear bombs, but
Yesterday we were reviving, Today we are declining , Tomorrow
where will we be hiding? They can only try to hide the truth,
they might have brainwashed our parents but we won’t let
It happen to the youth. IT doesn’t matter, if we get raped,
oppressed ,or slaughtered?
As long as Allah is our Rab and He will always be, Nobody can
stop Islam, NOBODY
they have raped killed and oppressed us.
But no matter how much they do, they can’t stop Allah’s

Pencipta: Soldiers of Allah
Penulis: Soldiers of Allah

Hayatilah lirik yg penuh bermakna ini & semoga dapat menjiwainya

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