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Monday, July 25, 2005

Final Destination


Nobody wanna sacrifice his or her wealthy for others except those who believe with Da promise from God... when we got sumtin i.e money, surely we will use that for wutever we would luv to.. but, do we realise those are from our Almighty,,, Everything we HAVE, GET, EAT, DRINK, PLAY.... are all biiznillah,,, but how do we thank Him,,

Let us think, where is our "FINAL DESTINATION"? The world's activities will get over one day,,, the wealthy, successful that we aim for,,, sumtimes makes us neglect our tasks in this illusion world.... If we do think that our final destination is akhirat, for sure we are not here jus for getting wealthy, success and good looking....but doin everything is for the sake of Allah... Along the way we r studying or working, dun we think better for us to follow the rules from Allah such the way we interact between guys and girls...halal and haram things...This will surely show a big distinction between those who are clever or not in dealing in today's world... Do we jus wanna have a big success in dis dunia,,, or both,,, which one is better? .. Think of this as we might get along in a ship towards the eternal life(akhirat)

Is it so hard to follow the rules from God after He had given us everything.... jus ponder ;)


Blogger Irzan said...

Shahir ... I thot u said you posted new pictures here ... :( kinda disappointed to find no pictures....

But your words had somehow inspired me in some ways. Thanks!

9:40 AM  
Blogger shahir said...

hehe... no pics for dis time,,,, why ? u like pic i guess? no worries, mirul kinda miss our frens,,,, :*(

9:22 PM  

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